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Meet Em

My Story

I was always the good girl, the high achiever, the people pleaser. Despite many accolades and much success, I went through life dancing from one thing to the next never quite sure where I ‘fit’. Desperately trying to find my place. The place where ‘it’ would all slot together and I’d know I was in the centre of God’s will for my life. Desperate to make a difference. Desperate to see the words of the Bible match my life. Desperate to know what it would look like to delight in the Lord no matter the season, situation or scenario.


Why Grow + Go?

An international coach, speaker, author, and pastor with a particular passion for seeing God's people 'grow and go'.


Driven by the conviction that God's Word brings life and freedom, Em coaches, preaches and writes for transformation and growth within the Christian context.


She is committed to helping believers get 'unstuck' and discover everything God has for them.

My Story Cont.

Getting to know me better

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